By the way…

Iowa State Daily

Guitar Festival!

If you’re in the mood for a little music with your meal, you might want to give Cafe Carioca a try. Summer Guitar Festival! is in full swing, and they have scheduled musicians to play in the evenings for the enjoyment of their customers, James Hufferd, who co-owns the restaurant with his wife, said.

Thursday, Jack Stowe will fill the cafe with popular and Brazilian guitar from 7:30 p.m. until close. This Saturday, June 24, from 8 p.m. till closing, Jack Hill will entertain diners with Spanish and classical guitar.

There will not be a cover charge, and those lucky patrons who are over 21 may indulge in some wine or beer, if they so desire, now that the cafe has received a liquor license.

Cafe Carioca is located at 2408 Lincoln Way, two doors east of the Varsity Theatre. The phone number is 296-1114.

Thumbs Up

If cheap cover charges, great beer and live, local music sounds good tonight, Thumbs’ Local Talent Showcase is a great choice.

Thumbs Ltd., located at 2816 West St., will feature a host of loud ‘n local acts this evening from 9:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. (the bar closes at 2 a.m.). Jay McBurney will open, followed by Sheri Benethum. Both play acoustic guitar and weave between covers and original material.

The cover charge is a mere dollar, and an ID is required at the door.

No more bad grammar

Forget bothering with Wite-Out, fumbling with dictionaries and trying to remember what grade-school English teachers used to say about “i before e.” Now there’s a handy reference book that provides all of the information a literature student or reporter needs to know for perfect grammar, punctuation and style.

Write Right!, written by Jan Venolia and published recently by Ten Speed Press, packs facts from dictionaries, thesauruses and English textbooks into one little paperback that’s perfect for cramming into the front pocket of a backpack. This particular edition has been revised from the last, so it is even more chock-full of all the vital stuff you need to know.

From dangling modifiers, to frequently misused and misspelled words, to the proper use of commas and apostrophes, Write Right! explains in simple language how to write and speak proper (but not stuffy) English. A must-have for students wanting to impress a professor in an essay, prospective employer in a resume or Mom in a letter home.

Write Right! is available for $6.95 at Waldenbooks at North Grand Mall and the University Bookstore.

M.U. exhibits

If the scenery of summertime in Ames doesn’t satisfy your desire to appreciate the finer things in life, head to the Memorial Union. A collection of fine art and cool temperatures combine to beat the heat.

Two exhibits are now on display and are open to the general public.

The work of Ames native Keith VanDePol will be displayed in the Pioneer Room until August 13. The exhibit, El Camino del Sol, is a series of oil paintings.

Andy Kitzmann, Program Advisor (Arts), said that he was approached by VanDePol about the exhibit. An accurate description of the display was not available because Kitzmann said VanDePol wanted it that way. “He (VanDePol) quoted Henri Matisse and said that ‘artists should have their tongues cut out.'”

The other exhibit features art and design work by the faculty men in the College of Design. It is held in The Gallery of the Union and will close August 22. Kitzmann said that the exhibit has a “very wide range of work with media ranging from paper, oil, airbrush, metal work, chalk and photographs.”

Since both of the rooms holding the exhibits are also used as meeting rooms, those interested should call the Reservations Office at 294-1437 for open viewing hours.