Daily releases salaries

Crispina Chong

The Iowa State Daily Publications Board passed a motion to make the salary information of professional staff employees public at a board meeting Wednesday night.

The issue was brought up in May, when Iowa State student Mark Ingles wrote a letter objecting to the board’s motion at a meeting in March 1995 to make this information private.

One of the arguments put forth in Ingles’ letter was that “the owners of the Iowa State Daily are ultimately the students of Iowa State,” and thus he had “a right to know how my corporation is spending its money.”

The letter also said that, since the Iowa State Daily’s Articles of Incorporation indicated that meetings are conducted “according to the Iowa Open Meetings and Records,” expenditures would be “a matter of public record.”

According to the board, the rationale behind the motion for privacy was that the information “could be considered ‘personal’ information in a personnel file,” and “may properly be kept private under Iowa Code Chapter 22.7(11).”

Legal counsel Jeff Stein was charged with studying the issue at a board meeting in April and made his recommendations at the meeting Wednesday night, after which the motion made at the March board meeting was rescinded.