Summertime adventures

Andy Moore

This summer I have generally tried to stay in my house and avoid reality. I find that is a safe way to avoid being hit by a car or encountering unpleasant people who may ruin my day. However, a few encounters I experienced the other day reminded me of how wonderfully crazy this mysterious little planet can sometimes be.

I need to eat. This is one thing that requires me to travel out of my home. So I rode my bike to Hy-Vee. At first everything was normal and uneventful. I was happy to be doing very well choosing my food items. (Usually I have trouble with whether to get Hy-Vee cheese or Kraft; the slices or the blocks; more expensive or less.) Then I saw ISU actor Dan Fairbain. I wanted to approach him and ask, “Do people usually come up to you in the grocery store and compliment you on your acting skills? Man you were great in Taming of the Shrew!” He disappeared before I had a chance to mention it. Uncool.

When I finished shopping, I realized I had no money and would need to stop at a nearby bank. I asked the girl if if I could keep my grocery basket up front, she said cool, so I took off on my Coast King ten speed. On my way to the bank, I spied an old sewing machine at the curbside of the Goodwill Store. Just as I was about to ask them to save it for me, an older man pulled up in a car and mentioned that he had bought it. I swallowed my disappointment and offered to help him put it into his car. Then he tells me that he only wants the frame and if I live nearby and have some tools I can have the rest. I met him at my house, got the tools and took the machine apart. I’m thinkin’ this is cool: Here’s this old guy, who says he’s from Story City and I can have this sewing machine. We shook hands and parted. Never did catch his name. Crazy.

Now I’m at my house, it’s a half hour later and I still have to get my food. Remember though, I gotta get money first. So I tool over to the drive-up ATM machine and here’s a young guy standing in front of the machine trying to get his money. I said to him, “Hey buddy, this machine is only for cars.” He laughs at the ridiculousness of two people waiting to use the drive-up machine without cars. Then he says he’s from Minneapolis and he’s just passing through on his way to California. “Isn’t this where the University of Iowa is?” I said “No buddy, two hours south and east.” At that moment I realized that I had only been out of my shell for two hours, and look at all the neat adventures I’d been in. The thought also dawned on me about how nice it is to live in this great big land where one can travel thousands of miles and communicate in the same language with a fellow person. Neato.

The food! Almost forgot. I finally arrived at Hy-Vee and the nice girl who let me leave my food greeted me with a confused smile. “I know you don’t even know me,” I said. “But I’ve got the weirdest story to tell you.” After telling her the story I commented, “Look in next Tuesday’s Daily. I’m a columnist and I’ve gotta write this down.”

Life is strange and quirky and sad and wonderful. If you’re like me and you don’t have a clue why we are here, you at least gotta realize something. There’s gonna be good times and bad times no matter how rich or poor you are, black or white, Christian or Muslim. So do your best to live a good life that doesn’t step on others and then just live it up, because life is kooky.

Andy Moore is an ISU alum in English and political science. He is currently enrolled in summer session.

an ISU alum in English and political science. He is currently enrolled in summer session.