Guest Column: Why are Iranian eagerly following US election?

Parsa Parsian

Mullahs in Iran and IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard) together are the most brutal, criminal and corrupted government of the world.

IRGC and Hezbollah are the main distributors of drugs from South America to the US and Europe to make money for their terrorist activities and addictions for their Christian enemies. President Obama didn’t allow the FBI release the Casandra case concerning Mullahs drug dealings because he didn’t want to make them angry during the controversy of the nuclear deal.

Iran’s regime DOES NOT want to make a deal with Europe and the US because any agreement brings responsibility and commitment but they DO NOT want to be responsible and committed because existence of mullahs and IRGC are based on terror, chaos and violence, that’s why they are the most criminal and corrupted government of the world, they bug activists bedrooms by camera to make them silent. They know if they take easy on Iranian people, they will throw them out of the country. Those criminals only need push and much more financial pressure but please don’t fall into mullahs war trap.

British-European lobbyists , their friends in US and mullah’s lobbyists were playing together to make a nuclear deal in the past 20 years and there was NO SUCCESS. European like this game but mullahs just want to buy time and betraying the world. 

Hopefully President Trump neutralized that bad deal that could lead them to nuclear bomb. They didn’t stop nuclear activities even after the deal. That’s why Atomic agency is very worrying about it. But president Obama unfreezed more than $$150 Billion plus sending over $$1.8 Billion by plane in cash which spent on terrorist activities against Iranian interest. That’s why Iranian are angry with President Obama.

Mullahs are just following North Korean style to have nuclear bomb to secure their future. Also they want ballistic missile to threaten the world and get ransom. 

British, European and president Jimmy Carter had a horrible policy against Iranian interests for facilitating of putting tyranny regime of Khomeini against very good and secular government of Iran in 1979 only because he just wanted a fair price for crude oil. Russian didn’t like Shah too.

Just imagine for a minute if Jimmy Carter and Margaret Thatcher wouldn’t facilitate the substitution of Shah of Iran by tyranny regime of Khomeini and if Jorge W. Bush and Tony Blair wouldn’t attack Iraq in 2003 which the first one brought Khomeini in power, and the second one made Mullahs more powerful, world would be a much better place now,  and avoiding numerous numerous bloody consequences. It’s a shame. That’s why Iranian are angry with President Carter and surprisingly Joe Biden had a role in both by working closely with President Carter and President Bush. 

Who believes that mullahs just want peaceful nuclear energy and took all kind of sanctions just for only 3-5% of Iran’s electricity needs when Iran is:

  • # 1 in Crude oil and natural gas resources together in the world 
  • # 2 in Natural gas resources in the world 
  • # 4 in Crude oil resources in the world

Iran oil and gas industry need more than $$200 Billion renovation, that’s why mullahs lobbyists eagerly looking to find a connection between greedy multinational oil companies and criminal mullahs. Two major lobbyists are Quincy institute and NIAC(National Iranian American Council)  who get funds from Ploughshares foundation and Koch billioner brothers and other sources. Unfortunately Ms.  Karine Jean-Pierre who was working with mullahs lobbyists for many years is senior adviser of Senator Kamala Harris now. Please disclose this horrible lobbing. 

I think British and European want to keep mullahs in power with that nuclear deal because they need a week, corrupted regime in Middle East to have better control of many things like crude oil. Also Britain have a good relation with mullahs for the past 2 centuries. They can’t take benefit from Arabs and Russia in natural resources but mullahs are a piece of cake for Britain and European. Mullahs and their families have invested more than $$400 billions in UK, also Canada welcomes all corrupted mullahs and their families, that’s why Canada is a main destination of them.

Mullahs have horrible history of violating of human rights, all based on amnesty international, just a few of them are:

  • Executing of hundreds of shah’s loyalists in the streets at the beginning of revolution in 1979
  • At least 4500 killed in prison massacre in less than a month in 1988
  • Assassins of at least 85 activists in 80’s in Europe that ignored for big fat deals
  • Killing of 1500 protesters in just 3 days including 23 kids in 2019 for just showing up in the streets. 39 of them are in death row now.
  • Putting down of flight 752 with 179 passengers intentionally with 2 rockets by IRGC from Tehran to Kiev (it is on YouTube)
  • Terror machine of mullahs started assassins and threatening of activists in Canada

Do you think any government with these horrible history of human rights should be supported while Iranian eagerly looking for democracy?

Democracy in Iran will change the region and the world to a better place because mullahs are the BACKBONE of major dictatorship governments like China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria. Weakening them surly weakening all dictators in the world. It is not exaggerating.

And one word for greedy multi-national companies, let’s assume all aspects of Globalization are good but for reaching globalized world, all the governments should be democratic since they should work together. We can not have a globalized world when we have a dictatorships like China, Russia, mullahs of Iran, Syria, Belarus, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea. Maybe it would be beneficial at the beginning but I am sure after a while when China get his huge economy, they will swallow you all and you will be vaporized and vanished. Happy peaceful world is more beneficial for you guys.  I know business with China with less tariff and less responsibilities make it more beneficial for you but in long term it would not stay the same. If you don’t get this easy logic then maybe globalism is only a tool for you to put pressure on your competitors.

British and European lobbyists hiding among left wings in US to interfere United state government because they don’t want to compete their economy fairly.

Politic is not complicated when it is in good hands.