Cailie Logue’s determination and heart set her apart

Senior Cailie Logue crosses the finish line as she wins her third straight Big 12 individual title Friday at the Big 12 Championship. (Photo credit: Denny Medley/Random Photography)

Presley Polvere

History, tradition and legacy surround the Cyclone women’s cross country team.

In the past four years, these values have been upheld by none other than women’s cross country runner Cailie Logue.

Logue is a four-time All Big 12 athlete and three-time Big 12 Champion in cross country. Needless to say, she has proven she is one of the best distance runners in the country.

However, Head Coach Amy Rudolph said Logue brings more to the table than the wins and running talent.

“I would say for someone who has had the success that she has, she is the most humble and grounded person, given how great of an athlete she is,” Rudolph said. “She’s very well-rounded, and she’s very dedicated to her craft but also understands the value of her education. … She’s an amazing friend and teammate; I think she takes every role in her life and makes it her best.”

Logue has been running cross country since she was a kid, and it has shifted every aspect of her life.

“When I first started cross country as a younger kid, it was something I enjoyed but it was also a challenge, and it allowed me to have some more confidence in myself,” Logue said. “As I’ve grown older, through the sport, I’ve found out more about life skills and my ability to approach a challenge or work for something over a long period of time.”

Logue’s drive for success in all parts of her life has allowed her to be more open-minded and take the lessons she has learned into the “real” world.

“She’s very open to doing things differently than how we’ve always done them, ” Rudolph said.

Logue’s experience as a Cyclone runner has also prepared her for life after graduation.

“It definitely teaches you a lot about life, like taking care of other people and being a part of something larger than yourself,” Logue said.

Before competing in her last Big 12 Championship as a cross country runner, Logue reflected on her favorite memory as a Cyclone runner, which has brought her more than records and titles ever could.

“My freshman year, regionals team wasn’t really predicted to make it to Nationals,” Logue said. “We were expecting a challenge, and we didn’t know if that would be the end of our season or not. We actually came out and won the meet, and it was all excitement. There wasn’t any expectation on us as freshmen at that meet, but we got to experience pure excitement from our teammates.”

In just four years at Iowa State, she has furthered the legacy of the cross country team, and Rudolph said she thinks Logue has had a big impact in other areas as well.

“She is herself — when you meet Cailie, you say, “Oh! She’s so nice,” and that’s how she is all the time,” Rudolph said. “She’s a joy to be around, and she is a great ambassador for our program and university, and she takes that role very seriously. … It comes naturally to her since she has a very big heart.”