Letter: This election leads to fascism or neoliberalism

Letter writer Kenn Bowen discusses the upcoming election and its results: either neoliberalism or fascism.
September 20, 2020
On Nov. 3, the U.S. will have a presidential election, and eligible voters will choose between fascism or neoliberalism.
True, there are third-party opportunities or write-in ballots or even choosing to not vote at all. But still, in January, the nation will be led by either a fascist or a neoliberal.
While it matters who sits in the House on Pennsylvania Avenue, it matters more who sits in the various Governors’ Mansions. It matters more who sits in the state legislative halls and on the County Boards of Supervisors and in the city halls. It’s called “down-ballot voting,” and this year, probably more so than any other year, the significance of down-ballot voting cannot be overemphasized.
The only way to save this country from fascism and neoliberalism is to elect as many grassroots-based candidates as possible, candidates who speak with actions and not just words, candidates who will represent everyday people because they are everyday people and not a part of some entitled elite.
We have a chance to return our nation to that notion of being a “beacon of hope” for the world, and this is the election where that process begins.
Kenn Bowen is a subscriber to the Iowa State Daily.