Collegiate Panhellenic Council announces fall recruitment plans
July 17, 2020
Iowa State’s Collegiate Panhellenic Council announced Friday that Bid Day will take place in person, though the event will look very different to accommodate for appropriate health standards.
The plans were announced during an Instagram livestream by Vice President of Recruitment Emma Van Ryswyk and Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Sorority and Fraternity Engagement Billy Boulden.
Recruitment is scheduled to take place Aug. 7 to 13.
Most events will take place via a virtual platform with the exception of check-in, Preference Night and Bid Day. Face coverings will be mandatory at all in-person events.
The registration fee has been reduced to reflect the changes that have been made and refunds will be given to those that have already paid the previous registration fee.
Van Ryswyk and Boulden said that plans are flexible and can accommodate students that may not move into their residences in time for in-person events, but Potential New Members (PNMs) are encouraged to reach out to the Department of Residence or their off-campus residence office to see if it’s possible to move in early. Check-in can be done virtually if you cannot change your move-in time.
Accommodations will also be available for PNMs that do not feel comfortable participating in in-person events.
“While we’re taking safety precautions, for this day and this event, we really want to make sure that you feel safe and supported on this day,” Boulden said.
He encouraged anyone who may want accommodations to reach out.
“We have some backup plans to do things differently for women that might need that or might feel more comfortable with that, and that won’t impact your experience,” Boulden said.
Van Ryswyk and Boulden also mentioned that times are still being finalized and schedules for specific events will vary from person to person meaning that PNMs will not know their schedule for the day until that date.
Every event that would normally happen will still occur, just in a virtual or adjusted format. PNMs will also still get to interact with their assigned recruitment groups and Rho Gammas, though PNMs will participate in virtual events individually in their own spaces.
During Day one, PNMs will go through a virtual welcome day, where they will be introduced to all 16 Panhellenic Chapters. At the end of the introductions, PNMs will preference the chapters.
Days two and three will be dedicated to a virtual values showcase, where PNMs learn and share about their values and get to virtually have discussions with 11 chapters.
Day four is the Living Panhellenic event. Typically, PNMs would visit chapter facilities and get in-person tours, but this semester the tours will be virtual. PNMs will talk with seven chapters and will also receive finance presentations, all of which will happen virtually.
Preference Night is on day five, and PNMs will get to visit two chapters to attend their Pref Night ceremonies. Temperature checks will be performed, hand sanitizer will be provided, and everyone at the event will be required to wear a facial covering. Individual chapters will decide what safety precautions will be taken at the facilities (i.e. having the event outside).
In the coming weeks, more information will be provided through the recruitment website.
The livestream can be viewed again on @isupennypanhellenic’s Instagram TV. Van Ryswyk and Boulden they urge anyone with specific questions to email the recruitment team at