Letter: Renaming Catt would lift student voices

Letter writer Tracy Lucht urges the renaming of Catt Hall as a positive step in society.  

Tracy Lucht

Please count me among those calling for Catt Hall to be renamed. I write this as an Iowa State alumna who was ignorant when this issue emerged during my undergraduate years, as a feminist media historian who has learned and listened since then and as a daughter whose mother is honored with a brick on the Plaza of Heroines.

I am not here to litigate Carrie Chapman Catt’s intentions, a debate that too often misses the point.

My focus is on the impact her words have on our community now and on the inclusive culture we hope to cultivate. I want to recognize those who have done the difficult work of calling out racism past and present, particularly BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) students, faculty and staff.

In my personal view, our campus environment must do a better job of lifting up those voices and values.

Renaming Catt Hall would be a positive step.

Dr. Tracy Lucht is an associate professor for the Greenlee School of Journalism.