Letter: Bernie Sanders will help Iowans grow

Kennedy DeRaedt/Iowa State Daily

Letter writer Kenn Bowen believes Bernie Sanders is the best option for president. Bowen thinks Sanders will help farmers make Iowa place to grow and win the big changes he believes they need.

Kenn Bowen

I am a 69-year-old grandfather of six, Vietnam War veteran and board member of Iowa CCI Action Fund. I am not a farmer, but I support Iowa farmers and the work they do for our state and for our country.

Bernie Sanders believes in farms and ranches too. As president, Sanders will enact a moratorium on factory farms and push for legislation addressing climate change; protecting the environment; and supporting regenerative, sustainable, independent family farming practices.

Our agricultural system has been co-opted by and for big money corporations, leaving our small towns and rural communities economically devastated and our land and water poisoned.

Bernie Sanders knows that it will take a massive people’s movement to break Wall Street’s control of our food systems and bring economic opportunity back to our small towns.

That’s why Sanders is the best choice for president: to help “us” win the big changes we need and rebuild the Iowa we want to see to make our state a “Place to Grow” for all Iowans – not just the select few.