Poyer: Let’s talk concerts

Sarah Poyer

I love music. Ask any of my friends, coworkers or roommates, I am pretty much always listening to music. I have countless Spotify playlists to match different moods or for a specific artist. Live music is actually one of my favorite things on this entire planet. I love attending shows and getting to see artists I love listening to live. 

My older brother is actually one of the best in the entire world and has taken me to some pretty cool concerts. We saw Ed Sheeran and 5 Seconds of Summer (twice)  together. Right before COVID hit, I asked for tickets to the Hella Mega Tour. 

I had always loved Green Day and Fall Out Boy, so the chance to see them together was unreal. Weezer being there was definitely going to be a bonus. Jon (my older brother) followed through with my request. Then COVID hit, and the entire world basically stopped what it was doing. I remember being really nervous, because our concert was in August. Waiting to find out whether or not the concert was cancelled or postponed was rough. It was a tough waiting game. Eventually the concert was postponed, and I remember being so sad. 

Fast forward to this year and this summer. COVID was seemingly under control.  The Hella Mega Tour had been rescheduled to August and I was SUPER excited. One of my friends had also found tickets to two of my other favorite bands’ concerts. We bought tickets and were ready to go. I was so excited to get to see AJR and All Time Low live in concert. 

Now, all of the concerts have been attended. And, I realized just how much I love live music. After not being able to attend a concert for nearly two years, I realized just how much I had been missing. Somehow, music always sounds so much better to me live in concert. Personally, I love going back to listen to videos that I have taken from concerts. Hearing everyone singing along with the performer is such a beautiful thing. Concerts also show me a lot of other things too. 

I love the energy of concerts. Seeing people who also love the performer we are seeing share in the excitement is such an amazing feeling. I love being surrounded by a big crowd of people listening to them and the artist or artists singing. It is such a beautiful thing to experience. That is the part of concerts that truly make me feel alive. I love it. 

The Hella Mega Tour really showed me just how much I loved that experience. Getting to see the people all around me getting into the music was so fun! There was a girl sitting in front of us who knew every word to every single song. She had me beat, I could do that for most of Green Day and Fall Out Boy’s songs but I lacked in that department for Weezer. At the AJR concert, jumping around and dancing with my friends on the floor was such a fun experience. All Time Low is a band I have listened to since I was in middle school, so finally seeing them live was something I had been looking forward to for years. 

I love concerts. I am so happy that live music is back. Take the time to see your favorite artists live if you can. I promise you won’t regret it in the slightest.