The Multicultural Greek Council creates a welcoming space for students
Meet The Greeks 2021 is an event where students can meet the members of sororities and fraternities and learn about their organizations.
October 19, 2021
The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) strives to create a sense of community among many different diverse cultural backgrounds.
As Iowa State’s student population is very diverse, the founders felt that a council dedicated to bringing together members of all different identities was necessary.
Scott Nguyen is the president of the Multicultural Greek Council.
“It provides a safe space where you can find people like you to hang out with… and also to find that sense of community,” Nguyen said.
The MGC was initially proposed by members of one sorority and one fraternity in 2005. After pushing for the council to be formally introduced, the founders finally were able to officially create the MGC we know now.
Today, it consists of five sororities and three fraternities, with each chapter within these groups serving the same overall goal of uniting communities across campus.
Any race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation is welcome,” Nguyen said. “Moreover, the council is “very much like a family… everyone here is very close with each other. Before we were colleagues or council members, I really wanted to be friends.”
As written in the MGC magazine, “The Multicultural Greek Council is governed by peer-elected leaders who serve the community to create opportunities for collaboration, scholarship, community service events, promotional opportunities and programs for cultural awareness.”
If interested in being a part of the MGC, the recruitment process starts at the beginning of the semester. They do, however, hold recruitment year-round, with events all semester long for new members to join.
Want to know some steps to help secure your spot in a fraternity or sorority? Here are a few important things to keep in mind.
Academics and involvement in the community is very important to MGC, so they have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA requirement, on average. Community service and involvement in clubs are another important part of being involved.
Each chapter in the council will have its own requirements; however, most wait until a student has an established Iowa State GPA.
By filling out the MGC Interest Form, you can let the council know you are interested in joining.
For more information about the MGC, visit their Instagram page @iowastatemgc.