BREAKING: Overnight classroom burglaries reported in three campus buildings

Breaking News

Katherine Kealey

Iowa State University reported incidents of burglaries in the Enrollment Services, Food Science and Forker buildings on Tuesday afternoon. 

Electronics and personal items were taken from unlocked spaces. The report said Iowa State Police Department responded to the incidents and believe the burglaries happen overnight hours.

Forker and the Food Science building is located on the east side of campus by the tennis courts. While the Enrollment Services building is located closer to central campus near Lake LaVerne.

Within the report, the University included recommendations on how individuals can increase personal safety while stating no victim is to blame. Recommendations include:

  • Locking all offices and laboratories when not in use

  • Keeping keys on your person and locking office doors

  • Ensuring all doors and windows are locked and shut completely

  • Contacting facilities planning and management for repairs if doors are windows are not securing properly 

  • Secure valuable items 

  • Locking all desks, cabinets and drawers while not in use

  • Keep petty cash to a minimum and in a safe location 

  • Look out for co-workers, if they forget to secure their property 

Report any suspicious individuals or incidents to Iowa State Police Department.