Student Government candidate profiles: Alexandra Finaldi
Finaldi is one of five candidates running to represent the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in the 2021 Student Government election.
March 21, 2021
With Iowa State’s Student Government election polls opening up Monday, Alexandra Finaldi throws in her bid for Senate. Finaldi, a junior in political science, aims to represent the college of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Why do you feel you are qualified to serve in Student Government?
I was involved in student government since high school, and coming from the high school with the biggest population in the state came with many challenges and opportunities. I really enjoy helping my community and engaging in activities that promote and encourage inclusion.
How do you plan to represent your constituents?
I plan on representing my constituents at Iowa State by creating a safe space to listen and learn from the diverse background that individuals may come from. I look forward to learning more about my fellow peers and their desires to further improve ideas about inclusion and community involvement.
What are some of the biggest issues you feel need to be addressed in this next year?
Some issues that I will try to address head-on include diversity and inclusion, social awareness and racism, sexual assault awareness and gender equality in the education system.
Outside of those issues, what are the goals you have to accomplish?
What I hope to accomplish most as a senator in the LAS college is to be a helpful guide in any aspect or situation where people need assistance with, whether it’s personal, academic or financial.
Why do you think it is crucial that the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has an equal role in Student Government?
It’s important because it brings different perspectives to the table. We all have different educational backgrounds that can contribute to the overall makeup of our campus. The beauty of the college experience is the diverse background we all come from. Creating equality in Student Government creates a more welcoming environment for all students.