Student Government prepares for its 2019 election cycle

Katlyn Campbell/Iowa State Daily

Juan Bibiloni-Rivera, Student Government vice president, takes notes during the Student Government meeting Oct. 24, 2018, in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union. Bibiloni-Rivera became the first student since 2006 to become a Truman Scholar. 

Madelyn Ostendorf

Student Government will discuss new procedures, timelines and apportionments before the 2019 Student Government elections at their Wednesday meeting.

The Senate will be reviewing the election apportionments for the 2019-20 Senate seats. The number of students enrolled in each college dictates the number of seats they have at the table, and that number must be approved every year by the senators.

Senate members will also be looking over the election code for the upcoming campaigns and election. The code details how the election will run, outlines guidelines for the candidates and consequences for violating the code. The election timeline, a breakdown for deadlines and important dates in the election cycle, will also be read over and approved.

Sen. Courtney Beringer will be presenting her bill, “Encouraging Sustainable Purchasing Practices on Campus.” The bill, intended to minimize the plastic waste coming from campus establishments, will ask that ISU Dining locations as well as Panda Express encourage customers to provide their own bags, or only providing a plastic bag upon student request.

Sen. Kaitlyn Sanchez will introduce “By-Law Change for Chapter 4 Amendments,” a bill seeking the abolishment of amendments to the Chapter 4 by-laws, as they are no longer relevant and impede the productiveness of the Senate.

The Rare Disease Awareness Club, a student organization focused on bringing attention to the impacts of rare diseases, is requesting $106 to help with their campaign. The funding would be used for general printing and mass emails to help with awareness and promote their club.

SIR Magazine, a general interest magazine run through Iowa State, is asking for $9,580. This funding would help to lower publication and printing costs for their fall and spring publications.

The Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is requesting $900 to send 16 students to the Urbana National Christian Conference. The funding would cover six of the 16 students’ registration costs.

The Groove Drumline Club is requesting $4,060.67 to help decrease the cost of replacing items, advertising and tee shirts. The club offers clinics and exhibitions to give arts at Iowa State exposure.

Grandma Mojo’s Moonshine Revival is asking for $965 to help bring down the costs of promotional materials for their Improv Festival, which would bring together improv teams from Iowa State, University of Iowa, Northern Iowa and Drake University.

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public 7 p.m. Wednesday’s in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.