News Engagement Day: The importance of being informed

Ryan Pattee

Initially I wasn’t really interested by journalism, and I never really gave it any mind growing up.

I never had a newspaper at my high school to write for or anything that contributed as news.

The news was always something for adults, and it wasn’t my business regarding what was going on outside of my hometown.

That changed as I got older, when I finally realized that I knew very little about what was going on in the United States and the rest of the world. I started to watch the news every single night, research politics, follow stories for long periods of time and realized that this was something important to me.

After visiting Iowa State, my eyes were opened about the world I lived in, and how little some people, myself included, realized what was happening around them.

I decided that in order to understand the world around us, people needed to keep the world informed about what was happening, whether they liked what was going on, or not.

Since then I decided to pursue a degree in journalism and then joined the Iowa State Daily to learn as much as I can about the most effective techniques in journalism. The more I learned in classes, and the experiences from working at the Daily, the more and more I believed in the importance of journalism. This is why I continue to learn and work for the side of journalism, because it informs everyone about what is going on, and because of the importance it plays in our lives.