Socialize With Pride to host kick-off event

Socialize with Pride

Socialize with Pride will host kick-off event tomorrow from 5 to 7 p.m. in Carver 0305.

Socialize With Pride, a student-run organization on campus, is hosting a fall kick-off event Friday.

Socialize With Pride’s mission is to create an inclusive community for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual and queer people.

The event will take place in Carver Hall 0305 from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. and will include games and socializing.

“We’re just introducing the officers so there’s a friendly face on campus, playing games and having a fun environment,” Abby Fritschel, vice president of Socialize With Pride, said.

Regular meetings take place about twice a month, but officers have office hours where members can meet with them to chat about anything.

“We do a lot of crafting activities, and it’s always a very chill environment,” Fritschel said. “You can come when you can. It’s not required time, it’s just that a safe space is open.”

Anyone is invited to come to the event and regular meetings regardless of label.

“I was part of LGBT clubs in high school, and that was such a great experience having that community,” Fritschel explained. “Finding that in college again was great.”

For more information on Socialize With Pride, check out their Instagram.