Galloway: We don’t need guns, especially in schools
Gun violence within schools continues to be a harsh reality.
October 17, 2018
Guns were allowed in case a tyrant took over during our fragile and vulnerable state as we were creating a government. It would allow people to have power in case something like this would happen. This was the purpose of having guns.
None of this is relevant in the present day.
Nowadays, the people would never be able to overthrow the government. Let me paint you a picture. A farmer is out in the wilderness with his family and they live off the land. This farmer was likely to fight for our military since the military brought in anyone they could get. It was a rag tag bunch of farmers. Some things we can be sure of is dangerous wildlife is in abundance, a redcoat is likely to wander over the hillside at any moment and these minutemen must be ready at a moments notice. Of course we want these people to carry guns. Our country was in a “do or die” time period.
The belief guns make people more safe is absurd. We tend to think the majority of gun related deaths are because of homicides — this isn’t the case. Most gun related deaths are caused by suicide.
Also, people are extremely careless with where they place their firearms. America would be one of the safest places in world if guns actually made you safer.
It is difficult to trust people because humans tend to make mistakes and can be careless.
The idea we should give guns to teachers in an effort to reduce school shootings is ridiculous.
“According to the New York Times, police officers in the nation’s largest city — men and women who are highly trained and periodically tested for firearms proficiency — hit their targets only a third of the time,” according to the Washington Post. “During actual gunfights, the paper reported, officers’ accuracy drops as low as 13 percent. The idea that teachers would somehow do any better is ludicrous, as is the idea that most teachers and their powerful unions would agree to such a horribly bad idea.”
This is not the wild west, you don’t fight guns with more guns.
The evidence suggests we no longer have a need for the Second Amendment. The reasons for having guns in the first place are no longer relevant. The information indicates guns don’t make our country safer.
Currently, we need to protect humans from inflicting damage on themselves. We cannot place the burden on instructors to protect a school in addition to their teaching duties. Most teachers are not capable of handling a school shooting situation.
All evidence points to the fact we don’t need guns, especially in schools.