Faculty Senate to discuss name changes for CALS majors

Jordyn DuBois/Iowa State Daily

The Faculty Senate meets for their first meeting of the year in the Memorial Union Sunroom Tuesday night. 

Kaitlyn Hood

Name changes to current curriculum, proposing a new minor and addressing campus climate are subjects Faculty Senate will discuss at their monthly meeting at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Union.

Faculty Senate will continue to discuss the name change of the agricultural biochemistry major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). The proposed name change from agricultural biochemistry to biochemistry stemmed from a want to better describe the major for students looking to study the subject.

This major is very similar to the biochemistry major from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences but is geared toward students who want a more diverse experience of biochemistry.

A second proposed name change also comes from CALS with the change of the industrial technology major and minor to applied engineering and technology management major and minor. Similar to the first proposed renaming, the goal with this updated terminology is to better describe the area of study.

CALS is also introducing a new minor, feed technology. This minor would allow students to learn about the critical components of this rapidly growing industry in Iowa’s economy and put them to use in many different settings.