News Engagement Day: I am honored that I can deliver news to you

Willa Colville

When I was a kid, around 8 years old, my dad introduced me to the ‘90s sitcom, News Radio, which showcases the work lives of staff at an AM news station.

Every night before bed, my dad and I would watch a few episodes on Hulu. Most of the jokes were aimed toward adults, and while I never understood the news references, I enjoyed watching it nevertheless.

While the show was fictional, it provided my first glimpse into the life of a journalist.

Of the few interactions I had with journalists before college, most were limited to the high school sports reporters in my small Iowa town.

I never understood why anyone would choose a career as a reporter. The hours are long, the pay is slim and the recognition is almost nonexistent.

Yet, here I am in my second year of college working toward a degree in journalism and mass communication.

It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment when I decided to pursue a career in journalism. But as I applied for college, I couldn’t think of anything else I would rather do.

During my senior year of high school, I signed up for a “current events” class. I only signed up for the class because I was told it was an “easy A” and because all of my friends were taking it.

Over the past few years, I have had the chance to travel all over the world. My most memorable trips, however, were to underdeveloped countries like Jamaica. I hope in the future to bring awareness to issues that underdeveloped countries face.

My first major story for the Iowa State Daily was about a man named Lance Heimsoth. Heimsoth popularized the “That’s another Cyclone … First down!” cheer at football games and I will forever be proud of this story. While it is not the most hard-hitting journalistic piece, I enjoyed interviewing Heimsoth — who is pictured above holding the paper he was featured in — and writing the story.

Over the course of the year, we watched documentaries, discussed global issues and analyzed news stories. It was in this class that I realized the importance of journalism.

Journalists provide a voice to the voiceless and bring awareness to important issues every single day.

I have had an amazing experience writing for the Iowa State Daily and serving my community through journalism. Whether I am writing a simple story about homecoming traditions or bringing to light safety concerns on campus, I know that each story is important.

To the readers of the Iowa State Daily, I am honored that I can deliver news to you. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love every day.