PHOTOS: Iowa State men’s and women’s basketball dominate in season openers
Iowa State takes home a double season opener win with the Men defeating Mississippi Valley State 83-44, and the Women defeating Chicago State 96-56, Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024.
Dishon Jackson (1) dunks the ball during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University season opener basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Tamin Lipsey (3) makes a free throw during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Nojus Indrusaitis (15) dunks the ball during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Tamin Lipsey (3) goes up for layup during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Conrad Hawley (23) and Cade Kelderman (13) watch as a teammate shoots a three-pointer during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Curtis Jones (5) saves a ball going out of bounds during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Nojus Indrusaitis (15) goes up for a layup during the Iowa State vs. Mississippi Valley State University basketball game at Hilton Coliseum on Nov. 4, 2024. (Elizabeth Lane)Iowa State player Sydney Harris (25) pushes inward to shoot one of six two-point shots with a Chicago State defender in her face, Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)Hundreds of elementary students and their teachers came to Hilton Coliseum for the home opener of the women’s basketball season against Chicago State, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)Elementary students look up at the jumbotron while attending the home opener game for the women’s basketball team in Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)Iowa State player Audi Crooks (55) shoots from under the net with three defending Chicago State players looking for the rebound, Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)Iowa State player Aili Tanke (32) steps up to the paint for one of four three-pointer shots she attempted during the home opener game, Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)Iowa State player Audi Crooks (55) tries to shoot around a defending Chicago State player, one of her ten two-point shots during the home opener game, Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)Iowa State player Kelsey Joens (23) fights through two defending Chicago State players to the net, taking forward momentum to the ground, Hilton Coliseum, Nov. 4, 2024. (Anna Graf)
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