Petzold: Welcome to the opinion section

Interested candidates for summer jobs should contact Amber Mohmand at for more details. Those interested in applying to work during the fall/spring term should contact Katherine Kealey at 

Interested candidates for summer jobs should contact Amber Mohmand at for more details. Those interested in applying to work during the fall/spring term should contact Katherine Kealey at 

Megan Petzold

In high school, I took every class I could. From film photography to journalism to the core classes to college classes. I enjoyed almost every elective I took, but I especially enjoyed photography and English.

When I graduated, I had no idea how I was going to fit in at a new college in a new state where none of my other classmates decided to go to school in. I decided the best way I could fit in, go to events I wouldn’t normally go near, and use my passion for writing was to apply to be a member of the Iowa State Daily.

It turned out that it was worth the risk. I was soon accepted and made a member of both the opinion team and the photography team. So, I began my freshman year being a member of the Daily.

I enjoyed every photo assignment I was sent on and every article I was asked to write. I loved that I found an environment where my opinion not only mattered to those I spoke to, but it mattered to whoever read my columns.

After a year of working for both sections of the Daily, I decided I wanted to try and be an editor. Once I got accepted, I wanted to make the most out of being put in that leadership position. I was going to make the opinion desk feel as safe and open as my editors made it for me.

Being in the engineering program and working for the Daily has been both interesting and amazing. As much as I can’t imagine a time in my life without doing math, I can’t image a time in my life where I won’t be writing. Plus, writing my opinion on events happening around campus or even around the country makes me feel like I am more involved in the community than I would be if I didn’t work for the Daily.

If there is anything you should take away from this article, it’s that the Daily has made a nonjudgmental home for me. As editor, I plan to do my best to make the atmosphere feel the same for those who want to write for the opinion desk.