Aly: PSA on procrastination

Nada Aly

Guys, I know, it is so easy to leave that essay until the night before, or studying for that final till, well never, but just do not do it. Do not procrastinate!

School is already hard enough, but trying to binge your favorite Netflix shows or YouTubers videos while studying just ends up being an open textbook with you staring at your favorite form of entertainment playing.

I know doing math equations is not necessarily the most fun of all activities; or let’s say… applying for basically everything is overwhelming, and that it is much easier to go and play a game with your buddies, but you are going to have to do it either way.

Everyone would rather jam out to the new albums dropping or have a fun night out with the squad, but the whole time you’ll have that exam, essay, or whatever it is in the back of your mind and/or it will hit you at the end of the night.

You will know the feeling of regret and stress when your eyes go wide and your heart jumps as your stomach drops, the panic attacking you suddenly.

Let’s be real, we all know that feeling all to well; hey for some of us maybe it is a daily occurrence! But everyone, good news: you don’t have to live like that!

So I have some wisdom laid out here:

Cramming for the test will never be as good as having studied well.

That speech would be much easier if you would just actually practice and write notes for it instead of saying “I’m just gonna wing it.”

Calling your mom after weeks will just make you wish you picked up the phone more often after all that scolding; if you have a heart you will also feel bad. Please call your mother. Sorry dads.

That dress online is really cute but when are you going to where it? And how about you practice for your job interview so you can maybe actually buy it?

Your dog is extremely cute, and is way more appealing than your research… I do not know what to say here. Animal’s are worth it.

Those are only snippets of responsibilities and distractions, or possible choices that cause us to procrastinate.

Life is busy, stressful, and surprising without adding avoiding doing things till the last minute, or dealing with the consequence of not doing them at all.

So people, get of your screens – after you’re done reading this – and go finish what you have to do!

Some tips for actually succeeding on this seemingly impossible task:

Get off social media! Whether it is logging out, muting those conversations, or even deleting apps. Whatever it takes.

If you need to go as far as turning off your phone or tablet, do it.

Have your buddy or roomate be supportive. Whether you need them to have a study session with you, help motivate you, or even go all tough coach orders on you, let them lend a helping hand.

Or, maybe you do not procrastinate to avoid it all. Maybe you just get overwhelmed or honestly feel like you are not going to get the grades you need. First off, just breathe. Second, plan a schedule and actually stick to it. It is better to split it all up over time rather than having to finish everything right before the semester ends.

Whatever you can think of, try it. Figure out what is best for you and enjoy the perks of not procrastinating!

In the end, it depends on your life, responsibilities, and priorities. So plan it out and get it done.

Good luck with finals and the end of the semester; but you do not need luck, because you’re about to shut of this device and start being productive and using your time!