Top moments from March for Our Lives around the nation

Emily Blobaum/Iowa State Daily

Protestors hold up signs during the March For Our Lives protest on March 24, 2018. Over a thousand people attended the event, which was held at the State Capitol Building in Des Moines.

Maria Pimentel Diaz

On Saturday, thousands of people gathered all across the nation to join the survivors of the Parkland shooting in fighting for stricter gun laws.

Here are the top eight moments from the marches around the nation:

1. I Have a Dream– Martin Luther King Jr’s granddaughter, Yolanda Renee King, payed tribute to her late grandfather’s “I Have a Dream” speech by sharing her own dream.

2. Emma Gonzalez– The Parkland shooting survivor took the stage and stood silently most of her speech that lasted 6 minutes and 30 seconds, the time it took shooter Nikolas Cruz to take 17 lives.

3. Parkland survivors– Students who were injured during the shooting were present at March for Our Lives in D.C., including Samantha Fuentes, who was shot in both legs and received various cuts to the face.

4. The signs– Protesters across the nation put their creativity to the test and made signs to show why they were protesting.

5. “Happy Birthday, Nick”– Parkland survivor Samantha Fuentes lead the crowd in singing Happy Birthday to Parkland victim Nicholas Dworet, who would’ve turned 18 on Saturday.

6. Paul McCartney– The former Beatles member said he was marching in honor of his best friend, John Lennon, who died from gun violence almost 38 years ago.

7. Naomi Walder– 11-year-old Naomi Walder, who led a walkout at her elementary school, took the stage to bring awareness to black females who have been victims of gun violence.

8. Celebrity support– All across social media, various celebrities came together to show support for all those marching and the Never Again Movement.

Information gathered from Twitter, CNN, BuzzFeed News. Checkout the March for Our Lives rally in Des Moines.