Review: 87th Varieties Finals results

“Heroes” was preformed in the Memorial Union on Feb. 24 as a part of the Varieties Finals and included well known superheroes and villains, such as Batman and The Joker. The Joker tries to lure ‘Pajama Girl’ to a life as a villain instead of being a superhero.


The 87th Varieties Finals took place Friday and Saturday nights, and they delivered a show to remember. All of the acts were amazing in their own ways, and the audience left having had a wonderful time. 

This was my second time seeing all of these acts perform, and each time I picked up what i liked about each performance and what made them stand out from the rest.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge Mikayla Osman, the emcee both Friday and Saturday night. You entertained the crowd with humor and magic, making the time between the acts quick and just as entertaining. Your magic tricks were awesome as well, by the way.

Mini musicals:

“The Final Rose”: The audience enjoyed your show. I think your song choices were unique. Who knew “The Lion King” would fit with “The Bachelor?” I sure didn’t! Your transitions were quick, and I loved the character development. One question though, why were the two main actors different the second night compared to the first?

“Heroes”: I will stand by my position and say your band was incredible. I think I saw multiple string, brass, and electric instruments, which all fit together perfectly. Your characters were well developed, especially Shelly, and the plot was cute while it taught a lesson. It was touching, and took the theme in a completely unique direction. Your musical numbers were in a wide range of styles, and each one added to the development of the story perfectly.

“A Space Jam”: You also took the theme and turned it into something unique (and quite literal). I thought your choice of setting for your story was perfect. Even your costuming was in black and white, which is true to the period. Your music and singing got off a few times, but the vocalists were great.

“A Tripp to Remember”: This show is really cute. It is a clear and entertaining redemption story. I love how you handled the set changes with the use of moving, dual-sided panels. Your choreographed numbers where by far the most energetic. I also think your lyrics were the best out of all and added to the story the most.


1. “Heroes”

2. “A Tripp to Remember”

3. “A Space Jam”


Colette Kocek: I loved how you gave us the story of your original song on the second night. I still think your voice fits the style of music like a glove. I could hear the emotion in your voice the second night more so than the first, and that really added to your performance.

Matt Banwart: Oh, Matt. You started off the first night of finals with a few good jokes, but they quickly turned a bit untactful, a least to me. The second night of finals you brought back some of the original material from the semis. The second night definitely went better than the first. You are a charismatic guy, I would just watch for what kind of audience you have.

Willa Colville and Michael Walsh: I still think The Animals would be proud of your rendition of “The House of the Rising Sun.” Willa, your voice fits this song perfectly, and the power behind your voice gives me goosebumps. Walsh, your voice fit “Mad World” really well. You have a very different tone, and it worked well with the style you chose.

Kara Masteller w/ Parker Reed, Josh Petefish & Miles Lucas: I think the most entertaining thing about your performance was the interaction between the band members. So many times you see people in their own little worlds on stage. I loved the song selection. Masteller, you have a very versatile voice that can adapt to any type of song. All of you gelled as a band extremely well, and the audience could feel your passion.


1. Kara Masteller w/ Parker Reed, Josh Petefish & Miles Lucas

2. Colette Kocek

3. Matt Banwart

Award Nominations

People’s Choice Award: “Heroes”

Best Costumes: “Heroes”

Best Accompaniment: “Heroes”

Best Plot: “A Space Jam”

Best Spirit: “A Space Jam”

Best Choreography: “A Space Jam”

Best Set: “A Space Jam”

Best Tech: “The Final Rose”

Best Co-Chairs: “Heroes”

Best Line: “My kid has ‘Abbey Road’ memorized side A to side B. He doesn’t even know the quadratic formula.” – Scientist 1 played by Joey Rogers from “A Space Jam”

Best Actor: Matt Dahl – Tripp from “A Tripp to Remember”

Best Supporting Actor: Vance Lehman – Chris Harrison from “The Final Rose”

Best Male Vocalist: Matt Dahl – Tripp from “A Tripp to Remember”

Best Cameo Appearance: Janitor with the mop – Nico Palomo from “A Space Jam”

Best Actress: Poni Lejukole – Robin from “A Space Jam”

Best Supporting Actress: Haley Daughhetee – Wonder Woman from “Heroes”

Best Female Vocalist: Morgan Sacia – Daisy from “A Tripp to Remember”