Ames’ New Mayor on International Students’ Interest

Hannah Olson

Mayor-elect John Haila poses in front of Haila Architecture Firm on Nov. 14. Haila is the first mayor-elect in Ames since 2006.

Zhe (Mia) Wang

Ames city’s newly inaugurated mayor, John Haila, talked about how international students benefit the city and different approaches for them to get involved with Ames’ city life and government’s work.

Up to fall of last year, a total of 4,115 international students enrolled at Iowa State, comprising over 11 percent of the total enrollment, according to the Iowa State’s office of the Register. Students from foreign countries helped boost Ames’ apartments renting rate, services purchasing rate and demand for retail goods.

“International students are more likely to be here 12 months out of the year versus other students who are from Iowa or the United States, they will be here for about 9 months,” Haila said.

Certain retailers and enterprises would determine their companies’ next location based on the population of a city. “I heard they have matrix to analysis potential customer numbers,” Haila said. “When you get to a certain level, they are interested in coming to your city, because there’s enough traffic.”

Quantity growth of International students also provided sales tax augment.

“The sales tax in Ames is 7 percent. One penny of that was voted on by the residents quite a while ago,” Haila said. “40 percent of the money generated by that goes to fund human services groups, make improvement to parks and other community betterment programs. So, the the more residents the more sales tax.”

Haila said he is starting to develop focus groups and ask people from different nationalities to serve on boards and commissions of Ames. Some of the board members have a one-year term, which are designed for students.

The only requirement for an international student to serve the boards and commissions is to be a resident of Ames. All the information can be found on the city of Ames’ website, under Boards&Commission.

For new international students and their family members, the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau has an informative website on where to eat, stay and shop in Ames. It also has a calendar of events for visitors and residents.  

Haila said he wants to hear the voice of international students and understand their needs.

“We are thrilled that the international students and their family are here,” Haila said. “If we can provide any additional service, we would love to that.”

There are several ways to get in touch with the city government. Students can go to Ames city’s website and find the email address for the mayor and all council members. They can write an actual letter to the city government. They can even go to city hall and talk to government workers about their needs and suggestions.

“We are a mini melting pot here. I heard one time we have over 100 different countries represented in the university alone,” Haila said. “I think Ames is committed to find more ways to make people from all over the world feel welcome and valued.”