“I Promise 305” to honor victims of Egyptian mosque bombing

Ian Steenhoek / Iowa State Daily

Students around Parks Library.

Whitney Mason

“’I Promise 305′ provides a way for the Iowa State community to stand with students from Egypt and so many around the world experiencing violence,” said Christy Oxendine, international student liaison in the College of Engineering.

In hopes of bringing awareness and encourage more knowledge about human rights violations across the world, “I Promise 305” will take place Tuesday from noon until 3:05 pm at the free-speech zone in front of Parks Library.

On Nov. 24, 2017, 305 Egyptians were killed after a bombing in a mosque in Sinai, Egypt.

In the College of Engineering at Iowa State there are over 840 international undergraduates and 10 students are from Egypt.

Oxendine organized the event after talking with a student from Egypt in hopes of creating a safe space to remember those killed and bring awareness to violence happening across the globe.

Oxendine said violence against difference is a United States and global epidemic.

Attendees of the event can take one of the 305 white carnations in memory of the the 305 victims and an “I Promise” button.

“I Promise” is a declaration of the person wearing the button to think, act and respond globally.

According to “I Promise 305,” by pledging to the promise, a person is ensuring they will pursue activities and knowledge they are outside of their comfort zone. Responding with compassion to classmates and others forced out of their homeland due to violence or to those who watch violence committed thousands of miles away. Observe what is happening in the world and not just what is happening at the local, state and national levels. Make an effort to befriend those who are culturally different and get to know them beyond surface level pleasantries. Inspire a community within Iowa State that is welcoming to all. Stand up and speak out against violence whether it be close by or globally. Finally, to become educated on human rights violations happening within the United States and abroad.