Students share what they’re thankful for ahead of Thanksgiving

Taylor Butler

Thanksgiving is a little over a week away. We asked Iowa State students what they are thankful for ahead of the holiday:

“I am thankful for a good family that raised me in a Christian home and friends that help me with my homework and to live in America and go to the best university,” said Jack Wibholm, freshman in agricultural studies.

“[I am thankful for] my family, …, my ability to run, to go to college, friends, clubs on campus [and] getting a degree soon,” said Sidney Presnell, junior in event management.

“I’m thankful for my family and the support they give me… I’m thankful for my friends,” said Layton Welsh, senior in aerospace engineering.

“[I am thankful for] my family, being here, my friends [and] getting an education,” said Jordyn Pinnello, sophomore in civil engineering.

“I guess [I am thankful for] just fall and the fall breeze,” said Urvi Pai, sophomore in chemical engineering.

“[I am thankful that] my exam next class is going to be easy I think, that break is in a week [and] that I’m not going to run out of dining dollars this semester,” said Colin Campell, junior in philosophy.

“[I am thankful] for all the men and women who have served this country [and] being able to wake up in a free country every morning,” said Alex Gaudette, freshman in economics.

“I’m thankful for my parents and the opportunity to go to college,” said Lexi Determann, freshman in elementary education.

“I’m thankful for great people and good times. I am also thankful for thanksgiving so I can eat real food and not the dining center food,” said Natalia Kirby, freshman in human sciences.