TJ Miller to perform in the Great Hall


T.J. Miller will be performing this Friday night at 8:00pm. Known mostly for his time on Silicon Valley and Deadpool, Miller has been a stand up comedian ever since college. However, comedy wasn’t the clear path.

“It became clearer and clearer, specifically in college, that the best thing I could do (the thing that I would be best at) was either psychology or comedy,” said Miller. The impact comedy can have on a greater number of people eventually won out.

No matter if it is a Mucinex ad or a show, Miller has always had the goal of brightening people’s days with laughter.

“From the get go I was motivated by making people laugh and feel good,” says Miller, “That then translated into kind of this mission statement that didn’t really allow me to go “eh i am tired tonight i don’t really need to go to open mic.” That doesn’t fit in line with the idea of work your hardest to be able to make as many people laugh as possible.”

Because of that initial motivation, Miller has not stopped expanding his career. He began learning in the Chicago comedy scene. Miller has moved through comedy, television, and movies with an unstoppable work ethic.

That work ethic has never left Miller. He has gone through television flops and success, ranging from pilots that never got picked up to Silicon Valley. All of which were accomplished under the motto: “Work smarter than harder rather than harder than smarter.”

Not only has his work ethic lasted his career. Miller still upholds traditions from his past.

“This is what you do. This is what you are good at,” says Miller before he performs. Not only does that but, Miller always has bologna (yes you read that right) in his shoes. Why have socks when when TJ Miller says you can have, “this funny feeling all the way down to [your] toes?”

 When asked if he ever gets stage fright, Miller gave some amazing advice.

“You know what [stage fright] is? It is thinking too much about you and not enough about the audience…I am just alway thinking how can i help them? What can i do for them, you know?” says Miller. According to Miller, thinking less about yourself and more about the audience is what is important.

So what is Miller up to in the future? He has plans for a movie he wrote with his cousin, movies such as Ready Player One, How to Train Your Dragon 3, and Underwater, as well as more stand up comedy. That is just the short list. Miller always has new projects on the horizon.

Be sure to catch T.J. Miller this Friday night at 8:00pm in the Great Hall in the Memorial Union. Ticket prices are $20 for students and $30 dollars public. Door will open at 7:00pm. Make sure to catch a performance filled with bologna from T.J. Miller.