Student Government hosts final Ames candidate forum

Beardshear Hall from Central Campus on Sept. 19.

K. Rambo

An Ames candidate forum at 8 pm. on Thursday in the Memorial Union is the last chance for the public to see all of the candidates answer a variety of questions in the same venue.

Iowa State student government will host the forum featuring all of the candidates for mayor and City Council in Ames.

The forum is quite timely with the election taking place on Nov. 7.

This election is the first to bring a new mayor to Ames since Ann Campbell was elected in 2006. The only City Council seat up for grabs is the third ward seat being vacated by Peter Orazem. The third ward contains most of southwest Ames, where much of the expansion for student housing is taking place.

Mayoral candidates Victoria Szopinski and John Haila will be present at the forum. City Council candidates David Martin and Rob Bowers, who are running for the third ward, will also be on hand.

At-large councilwoman Amber Corrieri and first ward councilwoman Gloria Betcher are going to participate, as well. Both are running unopposed.

The forum will be moderated by student government Vice President Cody Smith.