Parker Reed: Limelight editor


Ever since a young age, I’ve had a passion for everything related to music, film, art, entertainment, etc.

Growing up, my parents would always play Billy Joel and Eagles records, so I was immediately exposed to the classics, like many other people. In fifth-grade I picked up a trombone, in sixth-grade I picked up a guitar. Since then, music has truly been my passion.

But I’ve also always been fascinated by and invested in everything else we cover under Limelight. Music, film, art, you name it, at one point I have been obsessed with it.

Going into freshman year, I wasn’t sure if journalism was right for me, so I started as an advertising major. I asked if I could join the Daily as a part of their advertising team. Spoon said they were full, but mentioned that they needed a music reporter.

I’m not sure how I never put the pieces together before that year, but I later went on to realize how much I love entertainment journalism. Not right at the start though, as many times during my first semester I was very close to quitting, overwhelmed by the work.

However, sticking with the Daily has easily been the best decision I’ve made during my time here at Iowa State. I’ve covered incredible artists making a true impact on people around the world, learned more than I could have ever hoped and made countless friends along the way.

Now, here I am, seven semesters later as the editor of limelight, my favorite section. The work we do at the Daily isn’t always easy or fun, but it is always rewarding to know that we’re impacting someone’s experience at Iowa State. 

Thanks for reading and sticking with us, we’re all learning every day. Happy news engagement day.