Steve-O review


Steve-O performance at ISU after dark Friday, September 29th was one that all in attendance surely will not forget. The way I would describe it? Rude, Crude, and definitely not for the weak.

The show was going to have a massive audience from the start. The line to get in the door was so long many were not allowed in. The show started a few minutes late to an extreme full house.

Once the show started, there was no going back. Beginning with an elaboration on his multiple arrests involving drugs and nudity, the laughter produced was more awkward and uncomfortable. The guy sitting next to me had his head in his hands more times than I saw his face. Some were enjoying it, and if it was your kind of humor, it would have been a hilarious show.

The audience has been asked not to publish any specifics of the comedic material do to Steve-O’s up coming comedy special, but I will give you the main points:

  1. The blow up whale and the international butt smuggler
  2. A few celebrities are a little higher than most
  3. Getting sober

The material was definitely organized and had a clear progression. However, the stories made more people cringe than laugh, and inserted pitches to his merchandise were many, making the performance feel like a bit of a commercial at times.

Steve-O did perform a few circus tricks including a balancing act with a pair of sunglasses, a stool, and eventually the wooden table on stage, but it was the closer to the show that will be seared into my memory for now and forever.

The moral grey aria stunt showed the audience more of Steve-O than we were planning on seeing in our lives. Talking to friends also present at the performance, all we had to do was mention the ending and we didn’t continue the conversation.

Overall, many enjoyed the crude humor performed by Steve-O, lining up afterwards to take pictures and buy merchandise. However, many were also left uncomfortable and a bit scarred from the near full frontal exposure at the end. If it was your type of humor, good on you. If it wasn’t… well at least you won’t forget it.