Ashley Hannen: Co-copy chief

Ashley Hannen

When I first walked in the doors of the Iowa State Daily, I had never even heard of AP Style. Just one short year later, I am Co-Copy Chief of the Daily.

Not only has working at the Daily taught me the ins and outs of AP Style, it has also given me valuable experience working in a professional environment.

It’s not often that people take college students seriously let alone let them run the show.

At the Daily, everyone fills a necessary role in making the paper and getting things done.

The Daily gives college students the same demanding roles that, in life outside of college, are occupied by people who have worked in this industry for years.

The Daily has forced me to take myself seriously and constantly pushes me to work not as a college student but as a professional.

Because of this experience, I feel more prepared to tackle jobs outside of college; it has shown me that I am capable of so much more than I ever thought possible.