Student wants to raise awareness for disease

Tiana Nichelson

Collin Hillinger wants to raise awareness for Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or brittle bone disease.

Brittle bone disease has effected Collin for his entire life. It is a genetic disorder which causes bones to break easily, sometimes with no cause.

In second grade, Collin remembers walking and running. The summer after, he slipped and broke a femur, putting him in a wheel chair indefinitely.

He has broken and fractured bones throughout his whole life. 

“my parents lost track in elemtary at 60 something,” said Collin.

He has dealt with accessibility problems throughout his life as well. As he ages he has experienced more places adapting to wheelchairs, but still sees it as an issue.  

Collin has collaborated with the Iowa State Student Disability Resources Office in order to reach his goal of raising awareness. He wants people to know there are students like him on campus, and people like him in the world.