Letter: Statement on the White Supremacist Posters


With the recent placement of white supremacist themed posters and stickers, I felt it was important for me to issue a statement to Iowa State students and the general campus community. First, I want to state clearly that I am aware that these posters represent hate speech, and hate speech is protected by the U.S. constitution. The cowardly manner in which these items were placed — in the dark of night — violates policy. Based on statements made by the Iowa State and Ames police departments, the methods used by these vandals could result in charges of criminal mischief.

As a member of the Iowa State community, I want to use my freedom to express my thoughts about this form of hate speech. The posters and stickers are promoting websites with information not consistent with what we stand for as an institution. These racists intend to evoke fear, separatism and hatred. We will not succumb to their fear mongering. We know that hate-filled messages have no place here. If we persevere and stand by our principles, they will retreat knowing their cowardice and tactics had no impact on this university.

Please contact the Iowa State police if you feel unsafe, see racist propaganda and vandalism on campus, or if you have information about individuals vandalizing university property. You can also report any incidents to the Campus Climate website: campusclimate.iastate.edu.

I encourage members of our community to stay focused on making Iowa State a better community for all. Do not let these hate-mongers affect you. They win if they disrupt our daily lives and how we treat each other. We must focus on promoting the Iowa State Principles of Community. We will not be distracted or deterred by this small hate-filled group.