Senate approves first funding from Excellence Fund account to ISU Sparkles Squad

Emily Blobaum/Iowa State Daily

A member of the Iowa State Sparkles Squad is lifted by the club’s co-president, Mara Mapes, sophomore in child, adult and family services. 

Alex Connor

Student Government funded several organizations during its weekly senate meeting, including ISU Sparkles Squad and a Golf Club debt contract.

ISU Sparkles Squad was unanimously funded $6,195 from the Student Government Excellence Fund, the first funding to be approved from that account.

The money funded to ISU Sparkles Squad will go toward uniforms and other materials needed for members to successfully cheerlead.

Mara Mapes, co-captain of ISU Sparkles Squad, said that the state of Iowa is the only state that has Sparkles Squads at all three of its public universities.

“This is a great use of student fee dollars,” said vice speaker Cody Woodruff.

The Golf Club debt contract was also approved, which will remove the Golf Club from its current debt of roughly $2,360 and will be repaid by the organization over the next four semesters.

“I feel like we have a very good hand on how we can manage our money right now and what we need to charge per semester,” said Christopher Johnson, Golf Club treasurer.

Johnson said the club collects dues from its members each semester, and that they will also make up for the debt through additional fundraising efforts and campaigns.

“This is not something we would fall short on,” Johnson said. “I would be gracious to have a contract with you guys.”

The senate also funded $835.50 to the ISU Weight Club for new equipment that will replace equipment stolen from the organization over the summer.

Ben Briggs, president of ISU Weight Club, said more than $1,100 had been stolen.

With the funding, the ISU Weight Club will purchase a new bench and weight plates.

The senate also amended a resolution introduced by Sen. Juan Bibiloni to reflect more specific language, but was postponed until the next meeting Wednesday, Oct. 4.

The resolution was postponed so that Bibiloni could discuss the resolution with members in the Faculty Senate.

A funding request was also postponed by the senate until the next meeting, after the ISU Chess Club, who is requesting money for additional chessboards and chess clocks, failed to show up to finance committee.

Odyssey of the Mind’s funding request of $200 was also tabled until next week, per request of the organization.

All new business was considered read during the senate meeting, as well, which means that next week Student Government will address funding requests from the Black Student Alliance, the Ethical Eating Club, C-Nettes, the Puerto Rican Students Association and Genre Club. 

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.