Letter: Political diversity in college staff

Wayne Lela, Community Member

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in columns and letters are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily or organizations with which the author(s) are associated. 

Iowa State has added new language to its job applications that requires prospective employees to pledge they will “demonstrate their contribution to diversity and inclusion” once hired. Excellent! Hopefully they will work to include and protect conservative speech and conservatives themselves.

Many colleges in this country have been discriminating against conservatives and conservative speech for years, like by implementing bizarre and totalitarian “speech codes.” 

The legal group acronymed FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), which defends conservative teachers and students who have been discriminated against by liberal bigots on various college campuses, could provide you with a lengthy list of such cases. 

And it’s no big secret many professors are liberal. Hopefully students are aware of all the one-sided, liberal propaganda they are manipulatively being exposed to. (And hopefully they are aware that they are essentially paying for liberal indoctrination in many cases, and are being cheated out of a decent education). But I fear they are not. 

It would be nice to see students pushing for intellectual diversity on their campuses, and maybe even affirmative action for hiring a true minority on college campuses: conservative teachers. Until that happens, liberal college professors and administrators will feel free to continue to try to take advantage of their students, to indoctrinate them instead of educate them in order to impose their questionable values on them. That needs to change.