Top 5 stories from the past week Aug. 14

Emily Clement

Here are the top 5 stories from the past week:

1. Multiple things approved by Ames City Council– Ames City Council approved four different things during Tuesday’s meeting. Approvals included a one-time payment of $30,833 for a CyRide Bus Turnaround, an award of $93,450 for the Healthy Life Center Planning Study, a budget for the development of Ames Complete Street Plans not to exceed $99,994 as well as an ASSET volunteers presentation on their priorities for the upcoming year.

2. 7 percent yearly tuition increase proposed for upcoming years– Iowa State has proposed a plan that would raise tuition by 7 percent each year. This proposal comes after a $30 million cut in state funding. 

3. Vet Med interim dean facing multiple challenges– Patrick Halbur, interim president for the College of Veterinary Medicine, is in his first month with the college and has already faced multiple challenges. He was first faced with the task of figuring out a solution to the $1.2 million dollar budget cut. He is also working to regain accreditation through the American Veterinarian Medical Association Council on Education (AVMA) and is also awaiting the vote of approval for a $124 million Vet Diagnostic Lab through state legislation. 

4. Volleyball team gets the sweep in exhibition game– The Iowa State Volleyball team played Drake in their exhibition game on Saturday. The girls swept all three sets against Drake in their first showing of the fall. 

5. Backup quarterback out for the season after tearing ACL– Devon Moore, one of three choices for backup quarterback for the Iowa State football team, has torn his ACL and is out for the season. This leaves either Zeb Noland or Kyle Kempt with the backup quarterback spot.