Two greek chapters sanctioned for alcohol and controlled substances
Photographer: Alec J Giljohann
Spring flowers begin to bloom across campus as the weather warms up and an increase in rainfall is observed.
August 27, 2017
Sigma Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sig Ep) were sanctioned by the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) this summer.
Student clubs and organizations have codes and regulations they must follow by OSC. When an organization violates these codes and regulations, they are sanctioned or penalized after a series of meetings.
Sigma Pi was sanctioned on June 28 after being under interim suspension of organizational privileges and investigation. This resulted in Sigma Pi deferring suspension.
“It’s kind of like a settlement, so we say we agree to not suspend a chapter at this time, that is deferred during the period that is indicated,” said Sara Kellogg, assistant dean of students and director of the Office of Student Conduct.
Sigma Pi was sanctioned for misuse of alcohol and controlled substances and violation of conditions of recognitions. Conditions of recognition are the guidelines that allow them to be an organization at Iowa State.
As a result, they are currently under social host probation through Aug. 20, 2018, meaning they cannot host any social events. Once this probation period ends, they will be on social host restriction Dec. 16, 2018. This sanction allows them to have some events with certain approval or rules.
They are allowed to have social events between April 1 and May 1 with the supervision of Interfraternity Council (IFC). The “rubric for evaluation created by IFC and Office of Greek Affairs” will be reviewed with OSC during a meeting according to the OSC website.
Through agreements with OSC and Sigma Pi leadership, the fraternity deferred suspension through Jan. 8, which pushes conduct probation from January to Aug. 20.
“[It’s] taking a look at does this meet the needs,” Kellogg said. “Does this serve the purpose of a risk management plan?”
During the year, Sigma Pi must have a comprehensive review of their risk management policy. Risk management is a guideline that helps minimize the risk of loss to the organization. The new comprehensive review is due to Greek Affairs Nov. 1 and reviewed by OSC during a meeting in Dec. 15.
There also must be a comprehensive training program for members of Sigma Pi with Greek Affairs by March 1 and the program must be submitted to OSC by April 1.
“[The training] is up to each individual chapter,” Kellogg said. “[OSC] does not have a template for organizations.”
On May 5, Sigma Phi Epsilon, also known as Sig Ep, was sanctioned with “misuse of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances,” and “violation of conditions of recognitions.” Sig Ep is currently serving its conduct probation that will end Jan. 8, if no other violations arise.
Similar to Sigma Pi, Sig Ep would be on social host probation until Jan. 8. The fraternity must provide a comprehensive review of its risk management policies to Greek Affairs on Oct. 1 and later meet with OSC for revisions.
Sig Ep must meet with IFC’s vice president of Risk Management and the director of Greek Affairs, Billy Boulden, in the spring. “No social events with alcohol” can take place until the meeting is completed.
President and vice presidents of Sigma Pi and Sig Ep and Billy Boulden, director of Greek Affairs, did not respond to requests to comment on this story.