AESHM under new leadership
Courtesy of Dr. Eulanda Sanders
Dr. Eulanda A. Sanders, Chair of the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management and Donna R. Danielson Professor in Textiles & Clothing, talked with the Daily about her story to professorship and new leadership plan.
July 1, 2017
Dr. Eulanda Sanders succeeded Dr. Robert Bosselman as the department chair of Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management on July 1.
“AESHM has a great story to tell! We have people that are extremely active within campus, our community, within each of our disciplines. Our students, faculty and staff are creating, sharing, and applying knowledge to provide consumers products, services, and experiences to enhance overall wellbeing,” Sanders said. “I’m looking forward to help AESHM department to tell our story to the rest of the world. I am honored to be in this leadership position in this department.”
Sanders’ interest in the disciplines within AESHM began when she was young. She was a 4-H member for 11 years, and with her mother as a leader, she took on a variety of projects. Although Sanders is known as a designer now, as a 4-H member, food science and nutrition was one of her main projects. She completed projects related to events and hospitality management as well. She was also a state officer of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
Throughout her career, Sanders had various university leadership roles, so when the opportunity to be department head came along, she welcomed it with open arms. At Colorado State University, she progressed through the ranks from lecturer to professor and as program coordinator, she redesigned the apparel and merchandising program.
Sanders was also the director of the women’s studies and gender research program before leaving Colorado State University. She then came to Iowa State University to collaborate with faculty to redevelop the apparel design, creative design and technical design program.
She believes that AESHM is currently positioned as “The right place, with the right people and the right timing at Iowa State University to impactfully improve people’s lives.”
When it comes to her leadership style, Sanders described herself as a builder, a builder of teams of people to work on projects and implement a vision, and strategic goals of the organization. She also views herself as a supporter, a mentor and someone who celebrates successes of her colleagues. Her plan in leading the AESHM department is to continue down the department’s current exciting path in providing quality programs with interdisciplinary collaboration across campus, the country, and the world.
In order to accomplish these leadership goals, Sanders has professional development plans for faculty and students. She will meet with every faculty and staff member in the department and discuss their goals professional goals and department goals. For graduate students, she will plan “fireside chats” periodically to discuss initiatives in the department and get feedback.
Sanders will also meet with groups of undergraduate students to develop an AESHM undergraduate leadership team with members from all three programs in the department. She is excited to learn about the hospitality and events discipline and this summer has attended a hospitality conference to connect with industry and academics. “It’s exciting, because I love to learn and the faculty in all three programs. They have all been supportive during my transition into the department chair role.”
“AESHM is really a fantastic place, and I want to compliment Dr. Bob’s leadership – he made AESHM – awesome!”