Letter: We can’t repeal the Clean Water Rule

Dear Editor,

Here in Iowa, summertime always reminds us why we care about clean water. Thanks to the Clean Water Act, many of the places we go swimming, fishing, or boating – like the Mississippi River – are now cleaner.

That’s why I was so appalled to learn on Tuesday that the EPA is proposing to repeal key protections for Iowa’s waterways. Finalized in 2015 with widespread public and scientific support, the Clean Water Rule restored federal protections to 62% of Iowa’s streams, which feed waterways like the Mississippi and Iowa Rivers and help provide drinking water to 667,428 Iowans. The rule also protects wetlands, which help filter out pollutants and provide wildlife habitat. 

More than 800,000 Americans – including 3,469 Iowans – urged EPA to adopt the Clean Water Rule. Yet the new EPA is now proposing to dismantle it.

Repealing this Rule turns the mission of the EPA on its head: instead of protecting our rivers, lakes, and streams, the Trump administration would leave them open to pollution. It defies common sense, sound science and the will of the people of Iowa.

EPA should reconsider this reckless repeal and stand up for the Mississippi River.


Tracy Wang

Environment Iowa