April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is a month dedicated to supporting and honoring sexual assault survivors.

Each year, there are around 321,500 victims of sexual assault or rape here in the United States, with many cases going unreported or untreated. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and it’s sole purpose is to promote awareness of this recurring issue of sexual violence and provide everyone with the knowledge to try to prevent these kind of situations.


SAAM was first nationally recognized in 2001, but in the late 1980’s the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCASA) chose to acknowledge a sexual assault awareness week, which was observed in April.


Since 2001, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center works with the SAAM campaign to promote awareness towards this issue that affects 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men nationwide. The more people are aware of the issue and know what signs to look for, the more preventative action can be taken.


There are several different resources offered right here at Iowa State for any student who finds themselves as a victim of sexual assault or knows someone they suspect may be going through this. The ISU website publishes a “Sexual Misconduct” page to provide students and staff with knowledge and resources about this sensitive subject.


The page provides anyone with the definition of sexual misconduct, provides victims resources of who to talk to including ACCESS (Assualt Care Center Extending Shelter and Support) which allows for callers to get anonymous counseling while they consider their options.


The page also provides resources to friends of victims; how they should respond, react, and go about helping the victim in their time of need. Everything can be done confidentially and no information can be released without student permission.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a month to promote societal change. The campaign encourages people to speak out and have a voice on the issue. When more people are aware of sexual assault, the more preventative actions can be taken to stop this issue in its tracks.