Week four reflections: Jake Dalbey

When deciding on which activities I wanted to try for “random acts of kindness,” I chose to go with small gestures of kindness instead of large.

Throughout the week I attempted to hold the door open more often than usual, give out compliments to friends and strangers, as well as help out where I thought I could be needed.

Overall, while I didn’t expect much from this week it did end up being a fairly enjoyable experience. It really doesn’t matter what you do, but making someone smile has a pretty innate ability to make you happy as well.

My favorite gesture involved buying lunch for a few of my friends as well as people I ran into. I’d usually not do this, so while it was a bit odd at first I believe I was able to get a bit of happiness out of it.

Besides meditation, I’d say each of these weeks did a fine job of providing me new ways to be happy and enjoy life.