Week three reflections: Josh Popoola

Chris Jorgensen/Iowa State Daily

One item Josh enjoys is his ‘Coach’ costume.

This week was great for a lot of reasons, and for a good three days I was sort of confused as to why. Luckily, I felt like my life was in some sort of balancing act. Like, everything was good; food tasted better, jokes were funnier, school work wasn’t stressing me out; it was just weird.

I was waiting for a crash, like an equilibrium of bad times to balance it out but it hasn’t happened yet. I went to the gym three times this week, and exercised for about a half hour each day. It helped.

I didn’t know what my limits were but it was nice to see my progress even over such a short time. I have been in good spirits lately and I would like to credit exercise, but outside forces had a lot to do with it too.

It was nice to be able to say, ‘Sorry, I was at the gym so I missed your call,’ just because I’ve never been that guy before, but other than that everything else was normal. I’m excited to see what’s next week and will be continuing exercising in the future.