Week two reflections: Jake Dalbey

Meditation was interesting for me to take part in, considering it’s something I’ve never done. If I’m honest the idea of mediation has always seemed a bit off to me as I’ve never thought it could have much of an effect on someone.

But I went into this week with an open mind and attempted to meditate everyday after I got off class. I didn’t use an app or guide to direct my meditation, but instead just remained calm and shut my eyes. Now I have no idea what it’s supposed to feel like to meditate, so whatever I ended up feeling could easily have been just relaxation.

The first couple of times were difficult and I couldn’t concentrate on becoming relaxed. As the week went on it became easier; however it felt more like I was taking a nap rather than meditating. Nothing wrong with a good nap and after a long day it felt nice, but I don’t think it was what would be considered mediation. Overall I’m not sure if my process was correct and therefore can’t commit to not enjoying meditation.