Letter: A response to pro-choicers

I do not believe the issue is whether abortion should be legal or illegal, but rather is an unborn fetus human. If we solve this second issue, the first issue is solved.

So, what is the difference between us and an unborn fetus? There are actually four differences; these differences are easy to remember with the acronym SLED. Let us go through SLED.

S stands for size. The famous NBA player Shaquille O’Neal stands at about 7 feet 1 inch tall and weighs roughly 325 pounds. I, on the other hand, measure in at 5 feet 11 inches tall and weigh 185 pounds. Is Shaq anymore of a person or more human than me? I sure hope not.

L is for level of development. A fetus does not have a sense of awareness or intelligence. But if intelligence is a key sign of being human, then those of us who have a higher GPA or IQ should be able to exploit those who have lower scores. It would also mean as we get older, we lose humanity, because the mind is the first thing to go as they say. My younger siblings would even be less human than me because they do not have a completely developed brain or reproductive system. Why then should we rule out a fetus’ humanity if its development does not match ours?

E is for environment. A common argument of a pro-choicer is that it is not human until it is born. How can this be though? What change happens in this event we call birth? How does where you are affect who you are? When I visit family in Wisconsin, do I change? How then does a path 8 inches down the birth canal make a human being?

Last, D, degree of dependency. A fetus cannot usually live independent of its mother. If being human is affected by our ability to live independent of anyone or anything, we have a huge issue. People depend on insulin and pacemakers; without these things they will die. Would it be moral to kill these people because they are an inconvenience to us? No.

Then why can we kill unborn children?