Week one reflections: Dani Gehr

The best part about writing down what you are grateful for each day is sitting down and actually thinking about it and coming up with things that you hadn’t thought about in a while. What I was grateful for each day was directly related to the events of that specific day.

For example, one day I was grateful for a specific person because I had a really good time with them. Another day I was grateful to be attending college after enjoying a certain lecture. Some days I would be grateful to have clothes on my back and a warm place to stay, especially when it was raining heavily.

It is easy to think that your life is terrible and that no one has it as bad as you. Once you think about what you do have and realize that you are lucky to have those people or necessities in your life, it is a lot easier to be happy. I saw a decrease in negativity in the way I talk and the way I think this week, and I think it’s because I took time out of my day to be grateful.