Letter: Rachel Junck is a serious candidate
Kennedy DeRaedt/Iowa State Daily
Staff members from the city of Ames Electric Services present during the Ames City Council meeting. Ames City Council met on Jan. 15 in City Hall to discuss the 2019-2024 Capital Improvements Plan. Staff members gave a presentation on their recommendations for the next five years.
December 1, 2019
We are excited to have an Iowa State University student, Rachel Junck, in a run-off for Ames City Council.
She will be an appropriate representative of both the permanent residents of Ames, as she is a life-long Ames resident, as well as the student population who represent approximately half the city’s citizens.
Her ability to come within seven votes of winning the Council seat in a three-way race shows she is a serious candidate who has already learned how to work within the system; she has learned to manage her time as a chemical engineering student at ISU and an active participant in several student groups; her time dedicated to running a successful campaign will soon be replaced by her work as a member of the Ames City Council.
We urge all Ames residents, especially ISU students who live in ward 4, to vote on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Information about voting locations can be found here: http://www.storycountyiowa.gov/1186/City-Runoff-Election-12319.