Week two reflections: Olympia Manning

I don’t meditate very often, admittedly. I had done so a little bit when I was younger, but I mainly did that through school. They had a day during the year where they would just have us mediate.

My dad had done sort of a mix between hypnosis and guided meditation with me once. Both the school and my dad showed me the power of complete relaxation; however, these days, I never really find time to just sit down and relax.

I’m often worried about various problems and even things that most people would not consider problems. Pushing myself to lie back and completely clear my mind was no easy task at first. Most of the things I dealt with, in addition to anxiety, were my time schedule and tendency to get distracted.

Eventually, I was able to find some time to sit down and completely unwind. It worked, unsurprisingly, but I doubt I’ll have time to continue.