Meet Davis

One item Davis enjoys is his basketball.

Name: Davis Hall

Pronouns: He/Him

Major: Accounting

Year: Junior

What groups are you involved in?

Special olympics, Students for Special Needs, Multicultural Business Network

Where do you enjoy hanging out?

At my friend’s apartments or playing basketball at the gym.

What do you do in your free time?

I play basketball, watch a little Netflix (sometimes binging) or listen to music.

What is one thing that makes you happy on a typical day? Why?

Seeing people I know and coworkers. It makes work more fun when you’re familiar with each other.

What is one thing you’re grateful for? Why?

Chance the Rapper because no matter how I’m feeling he always lifts me up and always makes me smile.

What food and drink makes you the happiest?

Chicken divonne and hot chocolate.

What is your favorite genre of movies? Why?

Intellectual thrillers because I like movies that make me think a lot and it’s more of a puzzle than an experience.

What is one place you’d like to travel? Why?

Los Angeles because there’s this fantasy of Los Angeles and the big cities I want to experience and there’s always stuff to do.

Would you rather use a pen or a pencil? Why?

Pencil because you can always erase your mistakes.