Meet Josh

One item Josh enjoys is his ‘Coach’ costume.

Name: Joshua (Josh) Popoola

Pronouns: He/Him

Major: Biological Systems Engineering

Year: Sophomore

What are you involved in?

Improv Club, Iowa State Stand-up Comedy Club

Where do you enjoy hanging out?

Martin Hall or the Legacy Apartments

What do you do in your free time?

I’m usually on my phone, listening to podcasts or playing video games with friends.

What is one thing that makes you happy on a typical day? Why?

Free time, because I can do whatever I want and that’s a new feeling.

What is one thing you’re grateful for? Why?

My friends here, because I was denied a lot of that in high school.

What food and drink makes you the happiest?

Philly cheese steak and strawberry soda.

What is your favorite genre of movies? Why?

Adventure because I like going on a journey and the growth of characters.

What is one place you’d like to travel? Why?

Nigeria, to visit family.

Would you rather use a pen or a pencil? Why?

Pen because it’s smooth, you don’t have to sharpen it and when it starts dying you get rid of it.